Trending Technologies for 2022

Hello there,

My name is João Gouveia and I’m a Tech Lead at Latitudde.

My job combines my passion for technology with management skills.

Most of the time, I lead software development teams and troubleshoot technical issues that involve software development, engineering tasks and product releases.

Besides all the technical stuff, I see a technical leader as someone that also promotes a good environment, emits good vibes, organizes, guides and focuses project teams on the final goal: the delivery of our beloved projects.

And, the third and last (is it? 😄) side of my job is to always know what is out there. To always know the news in the business and in technology. And that’s what I’ll talk about today.

🎨 Front-end

what we analyzed over the last few years and continues true to this moment is that Javascript frameworks/libraries are still the ones with the most traction.

The user’s preference is usually React, Angular and VueJS.

React is currently the major preference of developers, with Angular being very common in enterprise contexts, although it is losing ground to VueJS.

⚙️ Back-end 

The range of languages, tools and technologies is even greater here, where I consider the fight to be the most intense.

If we focus on the development of server-side web applications we can point to PHP – supported by one of its frameworks (Laravel or Symfony) – as the big competitor to beat. But Python has gained some prominence with Django. I would say that the great powers in this sector continue to be JAVA – or its improved version Spring and later Spring Boot – and .NET, which has grown in recent years thanks to Microsoft’s internal policy change to an Open Source policy.


It is important to mention the growth of cross-platforms, such as Ionic, React Native and Flutter, which allow us to develop web and mobile applications for Android and IOS in a single stroke. Of course, the big share in terms of mobile development continues to be the native languages ​​Objective-C/Swift (IOS) and JAVA/Kotlin (Android).

👁 Quality Assurance

I can’t not talk about the QA component and aspect, wherein a context of E2E tests the almighty Selenium has had the same competition and tools like Cypress has gained some space in the market. If we think about unit tests, I think it’s important to reference JUnit, NUnit or Jest.

📚 Conclusion

There would be a lot more technologies and tools that I could talk about, but in today’s world and at the speed that which new solutions appear, it is very difficult to predict what could happen in the market and what the trends will be.

Do you think there are any other relevant trends/technologies we should be talking about? Let me know in the comments 👇🏼